Welcome to my new website.

This is the smok nord 2 best settings Third version of my website which was originally built in 2001.

I am an amateur scale model boat builder living in Great Britain and am a member of the ‘International OSV Society’.

I have always liked building models of working vessels including Tugs, but am now specializing in vessels involved in Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration & Production.

I have tried to show the way I build my models and hope I have included information which will

help those new to the world of scale model boat building.

The building methods I use are not necessarily the easiest or only way to work.

I have no professional or financial ties to any of the companies mentioned in this site. 

International OSV Society.

Latest News

Corrections made to ‘Contact Me Form’ May 2015

Far Saltire finished added July 2014

Vroon  Vessels added to Picture Gallery January 2014

Finished Model Empire Raymond added January 2014

This site launched on 3rd September 2013.